Breadcrumb Home Videos LatinX@Broad Presents The René Salazar Speaker Series: Mastering the Art of Negotiation: Principles for Becoming a Better Negotiator Anselmo Cassiano Alves Research Affiliate in Water Diplomacy MIT Vice President, International Relations MIT Water Teaching Fellow Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Harvard Law School Mastering the Art of Negotiation: Principles for Becoming a Better Negotiator. Learn more about the LatinX@Broad speaker series. Latest news News 11.21.2024 Researchers identify source of a brain cancer’s deadly transformation News 11.20.2024 Scientists find a region of the mouse gut tightly regulated by the immune system News 11.06.2024 Q&A: How a partnership between physicians and researchers aims to make cancer drugs safer News 11.06.2024 Study reveals how cancer immunotherapy may cause heart inflammation in some patients All news
News 11.06.2024 Q&A: How a partnership between physicians and researchers aims to make cancer drugs safer