Testing data-driven hypotheses post-clustering
Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow
Zou Lab, Stanford University
This primer talk is motivated by the practice of testing data-driven hypotheses. In the biomedical sciences, it has become increasingly common to collect massive datasets without a pre-specified research question. In this setting, a data analyst might use the data both to generate a research question, and to test the associated null hypothesis. For example, in single-cell RNA-sequencing analyses, researchers often first cluster the cells, and then test for differences in the expected gene expression levels between the clusters to quantify up- or down-regulation of genes, annotate known cell types, and identify new cell types. However, this popular practice is invalid from a statistical perspective: once we have used the data to generate hypotheses, standard statistical inference tools are no longer valid. To tackle this problem, I developed a conditional selective approach to test for a difference in means between pairs of clusters obtained via hierarchical and k-means clustering. The proposed approach has appropriate statistical guarantees (e.g., selective Type 1 error control), and we demonstrate its use on single-cell RNA-sequencing data.