Schreiber Lab


Stuart Schreiber and his trainees explore the science of small-molecule therapeutics. Group members are synthesizing performance-diverse collections of compounds having unique stereochemical and skeletal features that enable modulation of macromolecules in ways suggested by ‘experiments of nature’ – studies of human biology and patients with disease. They are developing ‘real-time annotation’ of compounds by making multiplexed measurements of the actions of compounds on cells and pathogens, and extending this concept through multiplexed binding measurements using DNA bar-coded compounds. They are also discovering compounds having novel mechanisms of action in order to advance treatments of malaria, tuberculosis, genetic prion disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and various cancers among others.


Major areas of research in the Schreiber lab include:

I.   Next-generation synthesis

II.  Cancer therapeutics that overcome resistance

III. Microbial therapeutics with novel mechanisms of action

IV. Therapeutics having novel mechanisms of action for the treatment of genetic prion disease and Alzheimer’s Disease 

Primary Investigators