Reading and editing genomes
New technologies for reading and editing DNA and RNA provide vast amounts of data and reveal transformative insights. At the Broad Institute, scientists generate a whole human genome’s worth of genetic data every few minutes, read gene expression patterns in tissues and in millions of single cells, and use gene editing to create disease models and dissect cell circuitry. Learn more about #HowWeScience.
Genomics Platform
Creating foundational genomics resources and capabilities to understand health and disease
Advanced sequencing technologies enable researchers to study subtle differences in the genome — the complete collection of genetic material in a person's cells — within a population. These differences are called variations, and they can reveal information about health, inherited traits, and disease. The Genomics Platform (GP) at the Broad Institute plays a leading role in incorporating the latest technologies and pioneering new methods to produce and study high-quality genomic data at a large scale. The GP is one of the largest producers of human genomic information in the world, empowering researchers with genomic data to help improve the understanding of health and disease.