Hypoxia as a therapy for mitochondrial disease.
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Abstract | Defects in the mitochondrial respiratory chain (RC) underlie a spectrum of human conditions, ranging from devastating inborn errors of metabolism to aging. We performed a genome-wide Cas9-mediated screen to identify factors that are protective during RC inhibition. Our results highlight the hypoxia response, an endogenous program evolved to adapt to limited oxygen availability. Genetic or small-molecule activation of the hypoxia response is protective against mitochondrial toxicity in cultured cells and zebrafish models. Chronic hypoxia leads to a marked improvement in survival, body weight, body temperature, behavior, neuropathology, and disease biomarkers in a genetic mouse model of Leigh syndrome, the most common pediatric manifestation of mitochondrial disease. Further preclinical studies are required to assess whether hypoxic exposure can be developed into a safe and effective treatment for human diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. |
Year of Publication | 2016
Journal | Science
Volume | 352
Issue | 6281
Pages | 54-61
Date Published | 2016 Apr 01
ISSN | 1095-9203
URL | |
DOI | 10.1126/science.aad9642
PubMed ID | 26917594
PubMed Central ID | PMC4860742
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Grant list | R01DK090311 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
R24 OD017870 / OD / NIH HHS / United States
R01 MH110049 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
K99 HG008171 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
5DP1-MH100706 / DP / NCCDPHP CDC HHS / United States
K99-HG008171 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
1R01-MH110049 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
DP1 MH100706 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
Howard Hughes Medical Institute / United States
R01 DK097768 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
5R01DK097768-03 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
R01 DK090311 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
R24OD017870 / OD / NIH HHS / United States