Spatiotemporal allele organization by allele-specific CRISPR live-cell imaging (SNP-CLING).
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Abstract | Imaging and chromatin capture techniques have provided important insights into our understanding of nuclear organization. A limitation of these techniques is the inability to resolve allele-specific spatiotemporal properties of genomic loci in living cells. Here, we describe an allele-specific CRISPR live-cell DNA imaging technique (SNP-CLING) to provide the first comprehensive insights into allelic positioning across space and time in mouse embryonic stem cells and fibroblasts. With 3D imaging, we studied alleles on different chromosomes in relation to one another and relative to nuclear substructures such as the nucleolus. We find that alleles maintain similar positions relative to each other and the nucleolus; however, loci occupy unique positions. To monitor spatiotemporal dynamics by SNP-CLING, we performed 4D imaging and determined that alleles are either stably positioned or fluctuating during cell state transitions, such as apoptosis. SNP-CLING is a universally applicable technique that enables the dissection of allele-specific spatiotemporal genome organization in live cells. |
Year of Publication | 2018
Journal | Nat Struct Mol Biol
Volume | 25
Issue | 2
Pages | 176-184
Date Published | 2018 02
ISSN | 1545-9985
DOI | 10.1038/s41594-017-0015-3
PubMed ID | 29343869
PubMed Central ID | PMC5805655
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Grant list | P01 GM099117 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
U01 DA040612 / DA / NIDA NIH HHS / United States