Selective access to trisubstituted macrocyclic E- and Z-alkenes from the ring-closing metathesis of vinylsiloxanes.
Org Lett
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Abstract | Macrocyclic (E)-alkenylsiloxanes, obtained from E-selective ring-closing metathesis reactions, can be converted to the corresponding (Z)-alkenyl bromides and (E)-alkenyl iodides allowing access to both E- and Z-trisubstituted macrocyclic alkenes. The reaction conditions and substrate scope of these stereoselective transformations are explored. |
Year of Publication | 2013
Journal | Org Lett
Volume | 15
Issue | 6
Pages | 1218-21
Date Published | 2013 Mar 15
ISSN | 1523-7052
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DOI | 10.1021/ol400134d
PubMed ID | 23448432
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Grant list | P50 GM069721 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States