Synthesis of kaempferitrin.
J Org Chem
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Abstract | A short synthesis of Kaempferitrin (1), a 3,7-diglycosylflavone, is reported. Key features include the synthesis of a protected form of kaempferol in which all four hydroxy groups are differentiated and the first bis-glycosylation of a dihydroxyflavone. This synthesis will allow the preparation of derivatives for further explorations into the origins of this compound's biological activity. |
Year of Publication | 2007
Journal | J Org Chem
Volume | 72
Issue | 12
Pages | 4582-5
Date Published | 2007 Jun 08
ISSN | 0022-3263
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DOI | 10.1021/jo070502w
PubMed ID | 17497804
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Grant list | P50 GM069721 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
R03 AI062905-01 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States