Defining the diverse spectrum of inversions, complex structural variation, and chromothripsis in the morbid human genome.
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Abstract | BACKGROUND: Structural variation (SV) influences genome organization and contributes to human disease. However, the complete mutational spectrum of SV has not been routinely captured in disease association studies. RESULTS: We sequenced 689 participants with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental abnormalities to construct a genome-wide map of large SV. Using long-insert jumping libraries at 105X mean physical coverage and linked-read whole-genome sequencing from 10X Genomics, we document seven major SV classes at ~5 kb SV resolution. Our results encompass 11,735 distinct large SV sites, 38.1% of which are novel and 16.8% of which are balanced or complex. We characterize 16 recurrent subclasses of complex SV (cxSV), revealing that: (1) cxSV are larger and rarer than canonical SV; (2) each genome harbors 14 large cxSV on average; (3) 84.4% of large cxSVs involve inversion; and (4) most large cxSV (93.8%) have not been delineated in previous studies. Rare SVs are more likely to disrupt coding and regulatory non-coding loci, particularly when truncating constrained and disease-associated genes. We also identify multiple cases of catastrophic chromosomal rearrangements known as chromoanagenesis, including somatic chromoanasynthesis, and extreme balanced germline chromothripsis events involving up to 65 breakpoints and 60.6 Mb across four chromosomes, further defining rare categories of extreme cxSV. CONCLUSIONS: These data provide a foundational map of large SV in the morbid human genome and demonstrate a previously underappreciated abundance and diversity of cxSV that should be considered in genomic studies of human disease. |
Year of Publication | 2017
Journal | Genome Biol
Volume | 18
Issue | 1
Pages | 36
Date Published | 2017 Mar 06
ISSN | 1474-760X
DOI | 10.1186/s13059-017-1158-6
PubMed ID | 28260531
PubMed Central ID | PMC5338099
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Grant list | F32 HD085857 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
F32 MH110124 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
T32 HG002295 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States