Control of olefin geometry in macrocyclic ring-closing metathesis using a removable silyl group.
J Am Chem Soc
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Abstract | Introducing a silyl group at one of the internal olefin positions in diolefinic substrates results in E-selective olefin formation in macrocyclic ring-forming metathesis. The application of this method to a range of macrocyclic (E)-alkenylsiloxanes is described. Protodesilylation of alkenylsiloxane products yields novel Z-configured macrocycles. |
Year of Publication | 2011
Journal | J Am Chem Soc
Volume | 133
Issue | 24
Pages | 9196-9
Date Published | 2011 Jun 22
ISSN | 1520-5126
DOI | 10.1021/ja202012s
PubMed ID | 21557625
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Grant list | P50 GM069721 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
Howard Hughes Medical Institute / United States