RIPK1 mediates a disease-associated microglial response in Alzheimer's disease.
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Abstract | Dysfunction of microglia is known to play an important role in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we investigated the role of RIPK1 in microglia mediating the pathogenesis of AD. RIPK1 is highly expressed by microglial cells in human AD brains. Using the amyloid precursor protein (APP)/presenilin 1 (PS1) transgenic mouse model, we found that inhibition of RIPK1, using both pharmacological and genetic means, reduced amyloid burden, the levels of inflammatory cytokines, and memory deficits. Furthermore, inhibition of RIPK1 promoted microglial degradation of Aβ in vitro. We characterized the transcriptional profiles of adult microglia from APP/PS1 mice and identified a role for RIPK1 in regulating the microglial expression of and , a marker for disease-associated microglia (DAM), which encodes an endosomal/lysosomal cathepsin inhibitor named Cystatin F. We present evidence that RIPK1-mediated induction of Cst7 leads to an impairment in the lysosomal pathway. These data suggest that RIPK1 may mediate a critical checkpoint in the transition to the DAM state. Together, our study highlights a non-cell death mechanism by which the activation of RIPK1 mediates the induction of a DAM phenotype, including an inflammatory response and a reduction in phagocytic activity, and connects RIPK1-mediated transcription in microglia to the etiology of AD. Our results support that RIPK1 is an important therapeutic target for the treatment of AD. |
Year of Publication | 2017
Journal | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Volume | 114
Issue | 41
Pages | E8788-E8797
Date Published | 2017 10 10
ISSN | 1091-6490
DOI | 10.1073/pnas.1714175114
PubMed ID | 28904096
PubMed Central ID | PMC5642727
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Grant list | R01 AG047231 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
R01 NS082257 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States