The vibrator mutation causes neurodegeneration via reduced expression of PITP alpha: positional complementation cloning and extragenic suppression.
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Abstract | The mouse vibrator mutation causes an early-onset progressive action tremor, degeneration of brain stem and spinal cord neurons, and juvenile death. We cloned the vibrator mutation using an in vivo positional complementation approach and complete resequencing of the resulting 76 kb critical region from vibrator and its parental chromosome. The mutation is an intracisternal A particle retroposon insertion in intron 4 of the phosphatidylinositol transfer protein alpha gene, causing a 5-fold reduction in RNA and protein levels. Expression of neurofilament light chain is also reduced in vibrator, suggesting one signaling pathway that may underlie vibrator pathology. The vibrator phenotype is suppressed in one intercross. We performed a complete genome scan and mapped a major suppressor locus (Mvb-1) to proximal chromosome 19. |
Year of Publication | 1997
Journal | Neuron
Volume | 18
Issue | 5
Pages | 711-22
Date Published | 1997 May
ISSN | 0896-6273
PubMed ID | 9182797
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