Uncoupling of Metabolic Health from Longevity through Genetic Alteration of Adipose Tissue Lipid-Binding Proteins.
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Abstract | Deterioration of metabolic health is a hallmark of aging and generally assumed to be detrimental to longevity. Exposure to a high-calorie diet impairs metabolism and accelerates aging; conversely, calorie restriction (CR) prevents age-related metabolic diseases and extends lifespan. However, it is unclear whether preservation of metabolic health is sufficient to extend lifespan. We utilized a genetic mouse model lacking Fabp4/5 that confers protection against metabolic diseases and shares molecular and lipidomic features with CR to address this question. Fabp-deficient mice exhibit extended metabolic healthspan, with protection against insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, inflammation, deterioration of adipose tissue integrity, and fatty liver disease. Surprisingly, however, Fabp-deficient mice did not exhibit any extension of lifespan. These data indicate that extension of metabolic healthspan in the absence of CR can be uncoupled from lifespan, indicating the potential for independent drivers of these pathways, at least in laboratory mice. |
Year of Publication | 2017
Journal | Cell Rep
Volume | 21
Issue | 2
Pages | 393-402
Date Published | 2017 Oct 10
ISSN | 2211-1247
DOI | 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.09.051
PubMed ID | 29020626
PubMed Central ID | PMC5682597
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Grant list | R01 AI116901 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
T32 CA009078 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
T32 ES016645 / ES / NIEHS NIH HHS / United States