Elevated rates of horizontal gene transfer in the industrialized human microbiome.
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Abstract | Industrialization has impacted the human gut ecosystem, resulting in altered microbiome composition and diversity. Whether bacterial genomes may also adapt to the industrialization of their host populations remains largely unexplored. Here, we investigate the extent to which the rates and targets of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) vary across thousands of bacterial strains from 15 human populations spanning a range of industrialization. We show that HGTs have accumulated in the microbiome over recent host generations and that HGT occurs at high frequency within individuals. Comparison across human populations reveals that industrialized lifestyles are associated with higher HGT rates and that the functions of HGTs are related to the level of host industrialization. Our results suggest that gut bacteria continuously acquire new functionality based on host lifestyle and that high rates of HGT may be a recent development in human history linked to industrialization. |
Year of Publication | 2021
Journal | Cell
Volume | 184
Issue | 8
Pages | 2053-2067.e18
Date Published | 2021 04 15
ISSN | 1097-4172
DOI | 10.1016/j.cell.2021.02.052
PubMed ID | 33794144
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Grant list | TL1 TR002380 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States
UL1 TR002377 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States