Breadcrumb Home Public Events Women in Art and Science, Seekers All Thursday, March 14, 2019 7:00 ‒ 8:00 pm Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Auditorium | 415 Main St. Cambridge, MA Reception to follow. Presented by Women@Broad and the Broad Artist-in-Residence Program in partnership with Catalyst Conversations. This public conversation features female leaders sharing how their own thinking and projects are influenced by the intersection of art and science. Moderator: Deborah Davidson, Catalyst Conversations Speakers: Jody Weber, Weber Dance Lucy Kim, Artist-in-Residence Program, Broad Institute Stacey Gabriel, Genomics Platform, Broad Institute Ashlee Earl, Bacterial Genomics Group, Broad Institute Register now for this free event here. Registration Register via Eventbrite Latest news News 02.18.2025 Alex Rives joins faculty of Broad Institute and MIT News 02.11.2025 Mapping mRNA through its life cycle within a cell News 02.05.2025 Mutations in two gene pairs point to a promising drug target in 5 percent of adult cancers News 01.27.2025 A genome-wide atlas of cell morphology reveals gene functions All news
News 02.05.2025 Mutations in two gene pairs point to a promising drug target in 5 percent of adult cancers