
Fluorescence microscopy image of brain tissue from a mouse model of Alzheimer’s, showing tau tangles (red), amyloid plaques (white), RNA (green), and cell nuclei (blue).

The Proteomics Platform provides best-in-class mass spectrometry-based proteomic technologies and analysis capabilities to the Broad community and collaborators throughout the United States and beyond, with the goal of addressing important questions in biology, chemistry, and clinical sciences through intensive collaboration. We continue to adopt and pioneer development of cutting-edge sample processing, data collection, and data analysis technologies of greatest importance. 

Major areas of focus include:

  • Multi -omic and proteogenomic studies of a wide range of cancers, metabolic, and infectious diseases 
  • Define cellular signaling networks related to protein phosphorylation, ubiquitylation, acetylation, and cross-talk
  • Identify targets of drugs or identifying protein interactors and interaction surfaces through chemical proteomics technologies, affinity purification mass spectrometry (MS) and hydrogen/deuterium exchange MS
  • Develop biological understanding of response and resistance to therapy 
  • Improve understanding of immune biology and help develop personalized immunotherapies through analysis of HLA class I and II peptides
  • Single cell and spatial tissue proteomics
  • Plasma and CSF proteomics 
  • Invent and optimize proteomic technologies, automation methods, and computational analyses to increase speed, sensitivity, and completeness of proteome and post-translational modification data, and to improve the ability to extract new knowledge therefrom

Together, these developments have enabled us to apply for and participate in numerous grant opportunities that leverage our novel capabilities, capacity, and throughput to provide a systems-wide and systematic approach to biology and necessary follow-up to genomic discoveries.

We wish to acknowledge ongoing support via grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute, and the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation among others.