DRL is a co-founder and consultant for Beam Therapeutics, Pairwise Plants, Exo Therapeutics, Chroma Medicine, and Nvelop Therapeutics. He owns founders’ equity in these companies, receives consultancies from them, and serves on their scientific advisory boards. He is the founder of Prime Medicine. He also serves as a scientific advisory board member and equity owner of Tevard Biosciences, Insitro, and Genscript Biotech. DRL may receive honoraria and travel reimbursements for some speaking engagements. He is a co-inventor on patents related to his research, as listed on his CV at http://liugroup.us. Some of these patents have been licensed to companies including those listed above. Potential conflicts of interest between his academic activities and his activities with other entities including the companies above are actively disclosed and managed in accordance with the conflict of interest policies of the Broad Institute, Harvard University, and HHMI.