Spatial study of lung cancer reveals immune markers of response to immunotherapy
Researchers visualize how immune cells are spatially organized within tumors and show that certain immune “hubs” are linked to better treatment responses.

This research was supported in part by Novartis as part of the MGH–Novartis Alliance, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, MGH Fund for Medical Discovery, MGH Krantz Stewardship, UROP funds from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SU2C Phillip A. Sharp Award, Mark Foundation for Cancer Research, SITC/AstraZeneca Forward Fund, Happy Lungs Foundation, and the BWH-Broad Institute Collaborative Research Award.
Paper cited:
Chen JH, Nieman LT, Spurrell M et al. Human lung cancer harbors spatially organized stem-immunity hubs associated with response to immunotherapy. Nature Immunolology. Online March 19, 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41590-024-01792-2