Midsummer Nights' Science 2006

Tues, July 11: The Genome Diaries [ video

Eric Lander, PhD

Looking for a good summer read? How about your own genome, the book that makes you biologically unique. Eric Lander weaves true tales of genome biology that scientists are learning from DNA studies of humans and other species.

Tues, July 18: Catching a Summer Bug [ video

Dyann Wirth, PhD

How can measles be making a come-back? How did West Nile virus get from Africa to Arlington? Dyann Wirth retraces the steps of infectious diseases, and shows how researchers are using genomics to prevent future epidemics.

Tues, July 25: DNA: A double-edged helix [ video

Fintan Steele, PhD

Should insurance companies have access to your genetic information? Should genes be patented? Are your genes also your destiny? Fintan Steele explores societal and ethical concerns such as these that are arising out of the "new genetics."

Tues, Aug 1: Genomics & Medicine [ video

David Altshuler, MD, PhD

When will all this genetic knowledge start paying off with better medicine? David Altshuler talks about reasonable expectations in the era of genomic medicine, the amazing progress to date, and the promise of the not-too-distant future.