Count Me In is deeply committed to making every patient’s experience count. Through participation, patients are empowered to help shape and propel research toward future changes in the course of cancer.
Through sharing information about their cancer experiences and providing access to medical records and biological samples for study and analysis, patients can have a direct impact and involvement within cancer research in a way that they haven’t had before. From their contributions, the Count Me In team analyzes and shares data regularly for researchers everywhere to harness and help make impactful discoveries.
Since its launch in 2015, thousands of people living with cancer from around the United States and Canada have said “Count Me In” to partnering directly with researchers from the Broad Institute, to gain new insights into how tumors develop and why they often resist treatment. In August of 2021, the Count Me In platform became open to all cancer patients across the United States and Canada.
We believe every patient should have the opportunity to be engaged in accelerating the pace of research to unlock new insights, and new opportunities for cancer treatment and care. We continue to share in Count Me In’s mission to learn from each patient that is counted in.