
The following tables summarize our results from a genome-wide CMS analysis of the 1000 Genomes pilot release data.

CMS scores

Genome-wide CMS scores in the YRI, CEU, and JPT+CHB

Localized CMS regions:

Genome-wide scores as a UCSC Genome Browser track (these files can be uploaded as a custom track and viewed using the UCSC Genome Browser)

Functional annotation

These tables contain functional annotation and enrichment analysis of the selected regions.

Tables from Publication  
Regions identified by genome-wide CMS xlsx
Localized CMS regions xlsx
Enrichment of functional variants xlsx
Enrichment of gene pathways xlsx
Candidate selective regions that overlap lincRNAs xlsx
Characterization of high-scoring non-synonymous SNPs xlsx
Candidate selective regions that overlap eQTLs  xlsx
CMS high-scoring SNPs in active enhancers or promoters xlsx
Trait-associated CMS high-scoring SNPs xlsx
Additional Tables  
Structural variants in selected regions xlsx

Enrichment analysis was done using INRICH[1] and a set of manually curated lists as reference functional pathways.


  1. Lee PH, O'Dushlaine C, Thomas B, Purcell SM. INRICH: interval-based enrichment analysis for genome-wide association studies. Bioinformatics. 2012 Jul 1;28(13):1797-9. Epub 2012 Apr 17. PubMed PMID: 22513993.

Composite of Multiple Signals