The mission of the Center for Cell Circuits is to create the critical reagents, technologies, protocols and strategies needed to reconstruct molecular circuits.
Regulatory circuits in cells process signals, make appropriate decisions, and orchestrate physiological responses under diverse signals. Diseases, in turn, arise from circuit malfunctions: one or more components are missing or defective; a key module is over- or under-active.
To understand disease and develop more effective treatments, we need a comprehensive picture of all the cellular components, the circuits in which they function, and how these integrate to form responses. We focus on a combinatorial approach: perturbing multiple components simultaneously, at a large enough scale to reliably reconstruct circuits.
The Center for Cell Circuits at the Broad Institute is a Center of Excellence in Genomic Science (CEGS), a program established by the National Human Genome Research Institute for multi-investigator, interdisciplinary research that develops novel and highly innovative genomic research projects. Our Center is now supported by its second CEGS award.