Birdsuite: Downloads

Listed below are the files required for birdsuite to run correctly. 

Please ensure that you have followed the installation guide, to ensure the program runs as intended.

It is recommended that you install requirements listed in the install guide BEFORE getting any of these files.

Latest Release


Birdsuite 1.5.5: Latest release

Description File Size md5sum
Linux executables birdsuite_executables_1.5.5.tgz 9.0M 1fc544fd9fdc7d8bc42b61189a6ea9ca
Affymetrix 5.0 and 6.0, Illumina 610 metadata birdsuite_metadata_1.5.5.tgz 150M 8eb564d05dc914756868b1e304eabefd
Source files (optional) birdsuite_sources_1.5.5.tgz 159K 13d3a817b2fd5927d47969c961574ca7
Test input files (optional) birdsuite_inputs_1.5.5.tgz 251M ed2ace8e6c839d16d612b833fc40e479
Test output files (optional) birdsuite_outputs_1.5.5.tgz 650M 887ea5ba3247171a1c9f8fd94a654eba

Matlab compiled runtime



Matlab 7.5 compiled runtime

Description File Size md5sum
Matlab compiled runtime for 64-bit Linux MCRInstaller.75.glnxa64.bin.gz 211M 056bacf67eb81e13b2113a523a98f2a8
Matlab compiled runtime for 32-bit Linux MCRInstaller.75.glnx86.bin.gz 223M 4be6c4b355ae81485550cc88c1c7c5dc


Analysis Pipelines



Current Pipelines

Description File
Birdsuite to PLINK
Birdsuite to PLINK - TestCase
Birdsuite to PLINK - Documentation                              Birdsuite_Pipeline.pdf - Documentation Install_Py.pdf