Xiaoman Liu

Xiaoman Liu, Ph.D.

Xiaoman Liu

Xiaoman Liu is a research scientist in the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, working under the direction of Morgan Sheng. She is interested in the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying neuropsychiatric disorders. Her current focus is on identifying shared metabolic and cellular alterations in gene mutations linked to schizophrenia, as well as exploring the potential role of exosomes in psychiatric disorders.

Prior to joining the Broad Institute in July 2022, she completed her postdoctoral training in Randy Schekman's lab at University of California, Berkeley, studying the molecular mechanism(s) of RNA sorting into exosomes and the functional cell communication by extracellular vesicles and tunneling nanotubes. She obtained her Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology from National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, where she researched the autophagy mechanism and related trafficking pathways. She also holds a B.A. in biology from Sichuan University in Chengdu, China.

Contact Xiaoman Liu via email at xliu@broadinstitute.org.

April 2023