Stacey Donnelly

Stacey Donnelly, M.P.A., M.B.E.

Stacey Donnelly

Stacey Donnelly is the senior director of strategic operations at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. In this role, she provides leadership and management for the large alliances, is the institutional official for the Broad’s animal facility and is the chief compliance officer for all human subject research.

In 2001, Donnelly joined the Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research, now part of the Broad Institute, where she was in charge of the center’s sponsored research portfolio and helped establish and maintain the first high-throughput Specialized Service Facilities (SSFs). When the Broad Institute became independent in 2009, she established the Broad’s animal research program and human subjects compliance office, and helped establish the Broad’s CLIA lab, where she serves as a key staff member.

Donnelly received her B.A. from State University of New York at Albany, a Master of Public Administration from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, and a Master of Science in Bioethics from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

July 2023