
Boston Latin School
Boston, MA
Allison Uebele and Laura Drepanos
Genetic Perturbation Platform
Jack applied to the BSSP program because he felt “It would be amazing to be able to see the real-life science behind what I have learned already and what I haven’t yet learned.” Paired to work with the Genetic Perturbation Platform (GPP), Jack engaged in the GPP's efforts to optimize technologies for studying gene function and the impacts of gene disruptions using advanced technologies like CRISPR. He and his partner were tasked with developing new vectors for CRISPR screening. They designed these vectors in silico using an online platform developed by the GPP called Fragmid, and then cloned the fragments of interest into a destination vector using Golden Gate assembly. After successfully transforming E. coli and extracting the plasmid DNA, they confirmed that their vectors were properly assembled and ready for use in CRISPR screens. When asked to reflect on his experience, he said “BSSP was the highlight of my summer and it gave me the space to learn and develop as a researcher as well as make so many new connections and new friends. I know that BSSP has prepared me well for the future and it has opened my eyes to research and the myriad of possibilities that it holds.”