
Belmont High School
Belmont, MA

Sarah Grant
Postdoctoral Scholar

Eunice’s interest in science stems from having watched a variety of documentaries while growing up. Despite her limited experience in the field of biology, she felt the Broad Institute would familiarize her with an environment dedicated to science while offering an incredible opportunity to learn different laboratory skills.

Her research explored factors that allow tuberculosis (TB) to survive in its latent state, in addition to the prospect of targeting those factors to lead to the development of an effective drug. Eunice also investigated why TB takes longer to treat than other diseases. Her method involved using E. colias a non-pathogenic model because it has a faster doubling time than TB and is safer to handle in the lab.

Eunice’s research experience has influenced her decision to pursue a career in biology and attend medical school. “Being at the Broad is like the opposite of being at school. I never want to leave the Broad at the end of each day, I look forward to the work I have to do next, and I'm still thinking about the project even when I get home,” said Eunice. In her spare time, she enjoys a variety of arts and crafts, playing the flute, and swimming on her club and high school varsity teams.