Diane P. Genereux

Diane P. Genereux, Ph.D.

Diane P. Genereux

Diane P. Genereux is a research scientist II in the Vertebrate Genome Biology Group at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where she works under the direction of Elinor Karlsson. Genereux's work in epigenetics focuses on developing molecular and statistical methods to track the fidelity of epigenetic information through cellular differentiation. At Broad, she is using comparative genomics and epigenomics to investigate how cells from species with flexible homeostasis endure variation in blood glucose and oxygen, and body temperature. She is also a co-chair of the Program in Medical and Population Genetics’s Primer series.

Genereux completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington and was previously assistant professor of biology at Westfield State University. She assumed her current post at the Broad Institute in 2016. 

Genereux holds a Ph.D. in mathematical biology from Emory University.

Contact Diane P. Genereux via email at genereux@broadinstitute.org.

February 2021