On September 22 and 23, 2011, the Broad Institute's Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research and MIT's McGovern and Picower Institutes co-hosted a symposium on the emerging genetics and neurobiology of severe mental illness. 350 people attended the symposium, which included more than 30 talks and invigorating discussion. Videos from these presentations and the Q&A sessions that followed are available for viewing below.
Day 1: Genetics
Session 1: Genetics of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Illness Chair: Steven McCarroll
Copy number variants and the genetics of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Jonathan Sebat, University Of California, San Diego
Schizophrenia genetics: new insights from new mutations
Maria Karayiorgou, Columbia University
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Analysis of de novo CNV mutations in schizophrenia implicates specific post-synaptic protein complexes
Michael O’Donovan, School of Medicine, Cardiff University
GWAS analysis across five psychiatric illnesses. Results of a combined dataset power of more than 60,000 individuals
Stephan Ripke, Broad Institute/Massachusetts General Hospital
HDACs in memory and cognition: Development of isoform selective inhibitors with improved CNS drug properties
Ed Holson, Stanley Center, Broad Institute